Create Peace for Ukraine
The devastation and suffering in Ukraine is unbearable and as one of my clients said to me last week, I need to do more than pray. I agreed. Millions of us have prayed for Ukraine (and Russia) to be filled with the light of love and peace. But we can also pray for inspiration about what action to take so we can be a channel for light, love, and peace to flow through. Maybe it’s donating your time, talent, and resources for humanitarian aid, or exploring how to create peace and healing in our world.
Since the war started, I’ve reflected on our ability to add to the rivers of anger, fear, greed, and revenge in our society that feed war. If our every thought, word and deed have an energy we radiate, I’ve asked myself what am I doing to add to the rivers of anger, fear, and division? And just as importantly, what am I doing to add to the rivers of hope, generosity, and loving-kindness? In our mundane, everyday moments at the grocery store, on the highway, or standing in line somewhere, we have a choice about the energy we feed.
Think about the rage in our world about Covid-19, masks, and vaccines and all the ways we’ve become polarized and divided in the last two years. Then there’s the hostility and anger on social media added to the mix. We have more power of influence that we may think. When we feed the rivers of rage, fear, and aggression, this is how we play a role in emboldening ruthlessness, oppression, and a lack of respect for the dignity of each human soul. When we feed the rivers of light, love, hope, kindness, we play a role in creating collaboration, harmony, healing, and new possibilities.
That’s what Mahatma Gandhi was referring to when he said, “We but mirror the world.” All the tendencies in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. We need not wait to see what others do.
I’m not going to wait to see what others do! Are you?