“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.”
–Desmond Tutu
Something’s missing in your life, but you don’t know what “it” is.
You aren’t looking for traditional therapy but would like a mentor to help you explore your inner world. Spiritual mentoring can help you implement your spiritual practice into your everyday life.
A voice inside you is calling… are you listening?
You’re spiritual (but not necessarily religious).
You value peace, love, kindness, and compassion and want more of it in the world.
You feel called to be of service and use your gifts and talents to uplift the world.

“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.”
–Desmond Tutu
You love nature. You worry about climate change and our global lack of response.
You’re committed to activism and social justice, but you’re exhausted and burned out.
You feel powerless, even hopeless at times, but deep down, you know there’s a better way.
You long to connect, build community, and live in harmony. But there’s so much anger and polarization in our world that you isolate to avoid other people’s anger and criticism.
You read, listen to podcasts, meditate, and exercise, but your spiritual practice and self-care don’t help the heaviness and lack of energy you feel somedays.
Your inner voice is calling you to listen and explore what sustains you and drains you in your life.
You wonder if you’re experiencing a “dark night of the soul” and when it will ever end.
What does it mean to experience a Dark Night of the Soul?
The presence of a dark night of the soul exists in all our spiritual traditions.
A Spanish mystic and poet created the idea of “a dark night of the soul” in the 16th century. The phrase refers to an experience in your life that shakes up your world and how you perceive it.
When you experience a sudden loss, a relationship falls apart, or you feel unfulfilled, suddenly, your life seems meaningless. In a dark night of the soul, all the structure and routines that once seemed safe, secure, and predictable fall apart. You could say our world is experiencing a dark night of the soul due to current global events.
When you experience a dark night of the soul, what used to make sense and give you purpose now leaves you feeling alienated and doubting the point of your life and even existence. You feel lonely in a crowded room, disconnected from your spiritual beliefs, and experience overwhelming hopelessness and despair.
Your experience is called a dark night of the soul because you’ve temporarily lost your connection to the light within. Even though this ordeal is painful and disorienting, a dark night of the soul can be a metamorphosis. Transformed, you embrace a new life filled with light, hope, and love.
Like a caterpillar in a chrysalis required to dissolve so it can transform into a butterfly, this dissolution process can be dark, confining, and scary.
Spiritual Mentoring Can Help.
A mentor is an “experienced and trusted advisor” who guides you on a particular path.
A “spiritual mentor” is an experienced and trusted advisor who guides you on your spiritual path and helps illuminate the way forward.
It’s normal to experience moments of darkness, doubt, and confusion as you navigate the spiritual path.
That’s when you need an experienced guide ahead who’s navigated the path many times before and knows the way.
Think about hiking up a mountain. As you hike through treacherous terrain, you’re going to experience moments of exhaustion and pain. You may get lost, doubt you’ll reach the top, and regret you did this.
But hiking up a mountain isn’t all pain and strain. You also experience moments of peace, incredible beauty, awe, a deep connection and oneness with nature, and a sense of triumph when you reach the top and see the world from such a different perspective.
That’s true for walking the spiritual path, too!
I have 25 years of experience navigating the spiritual path. As your spiritual mentor, I’ll help guide and illuminate your spiritual path so you can reach a place where you experience the peace, love, and wellbeing you deserve.
Here’s What to Expect from a Spiritual Mentoring Session
- Each session is 50 minutes. Most clients start meeting once a week, but you can transition to biweekly (every other week) appointments whenever this feels appropriate.
- Our first session together will be a way for us to get to know each other. I’ll learn about your background and intentions, and we’ll determine how often you’d like to meet.
- Spiritual mentoring is a collaborative process. You’ll choose the issues you’d like to focus on in our time together. We’ll explore what’s on your heart and how to connect with the light within. We’ll use deep breathing techniques, meditation, visualization, and spiritual exercises to help you connect with the world inside of you. And, of course, we’ll incorporate any prayers, beliefs, and practices that are part of your spiritual tradition.
Enjoy the Fruits of Spiritual Mentoring
Here are some of the issues we can explore…
Spiritual mentoring will help you to:
- Use IFS ( Internal Family Systems) to practice applying the principles of ACIM ( A Course In Miracles) to your every day life.
- Connect with the spark of The Divine within.
- Practice inner listening and trust intuitive guidance.
- Live with authenticity and vulnerability.
- Stay rooted and peaceful despite fear and uncertainty.
- Understand and navigate a Dark Night of The Soul.
- Process grief and pain from the perspective of your soul.
- Develop your relationship with nature and the Earth.
- Learn to forgive (yourself and others).
- Love the parts of you that feel unlovable.
- Accept imperfection and the unknown.
- Learn to receive.
- Create supportive, reciprocal, and collaborative relationships.
- Use the wisdom and intelligence of nature for inspiration and problem-solving.
- Find the treasure buried in pain.
- Discover your creative gifts and talents.
- Explore work as love in action.
- Answer the call.
- Become a channel for Divine Love in the world.
Spiritual mentoring illuminates your pathway if you’re experiencing a dark night of the soul.
A dark night of the soul is what brings light, beauty, and a transformation to your life. It helps you access the divine blueprint for your life, find your wings to fly, and become who you were born to be. It can lead you to experience your greatest love, discover your life’s purpose, inspire your creativity, illuminate how to use your gifts and talents to uplift humanity, and live a life filled with joy.
All spiritual paths meet in the middle and seek to connect to The Divine’s love, light, and peace.
What is The Divine for YOU?
How you define and experience The Divine is uniquely personal.
I think of The Divine as the light inside of you, but in spiritual mentoring, you define The Divine in whatever way you’ve come to know and experience It.
The purpose of spiritual mentoring is to help you deepen your connection to this light within. This is your true essence. It is the spark of the Divine inside you, which you may call your soul or your true Self.
Developing your connection to your true Self is how you access your intuition and inner wisdom, which you need to navigate your spiritual path and listen to what your inner voice is calling you to do.
Learning to listen and trust your inner voice is the real work of spiritual mentoring. This journey leads you to experience the love, peace, joy, and wisdom of The Divine.
Inspiration from my own spiritual path…
I believe the essence of who you are is the energy of light and love, and your purpose is to be who you are and radiate your light in your own unique way.
When you’re connected to the light inside of you, you are naturally loving, kind, and seek to connect with the world around you. This is your true nature.
You don’t have to try so hard to “be spiritual” because you already are.
You know that your presence matters. You are not alone and belong here.
And you want to help others experience this, too.
This is my heart and soul’s desire.
The medieval mystic St Francis is a source of great inspiration for me. He wrote these words to guide those who share in this mission. His writing is just as applicable to our polarized and fractured world today as it was in the 13th century.
The Wisdom of St. Francis
“The Peace you proclaim with your words,
Must dwell more abundantly in your heart.
Do not provoke others to anger or cause scandal,
Let your gentleness draw them to peace, goodness, and harmony.
This is your vocation:
To heal wounds.
Bind what has been broken.
Bring home those who are lost.”
In my book, Soaking In The Divine. Illumination for a Dark Night of the Soul, I share the story of my dark night of the soul and the illumination I received on my spiritual journey. The pearls of wisdom I collected along the way are the foundation of my approach to spiritual mentoring. If you’d like to learn more, click here.
I believe our world is experiencing a dark night of the soul, and I feel called to illuminate the way forward for those suffering. Helping clients connect with the light inside of them and use it for good in the outside world is the foundation of my services. If you’d like to join me in this mission, visit Delight The World.
The World Needs Your Light!
Are you ready to open doors within and welcome more love, light, peace, beauty, and connection into your life?
When you’re connected to the spark of the Divine within, you’re naturally inspired to use your gifts in a way that brings you joy and serves others.
Call me today for a free 15-minute consultation to learn more about spiritual mentoring and schedule your first appointment: (813) 336-2173.